David’s Small Groups are where we grow! It is a time of fellowship, community, prayer and Biblical instruction. We believe small groups are essential to your faith. Please join one today!
Please call the church office to sign up or for more details — 717-692-4831 or davids@davidscbc.org
Child care is provided at the church for all Sunday morning and Wednesday evening small groups and the Mom’s Groups.
Sunday School Groups
Every Sunday 9:15 – 10:15 am
Fundamentals of Faith
Large Fellowship Hall
Scott Smith
Men’s Class –
Old Youth Room
Doug Charles
Women’s Class – 1 Peter
Small Fellowship Hall – January 26
Patty Weaver
Doctrines of Grace
Old Junior High Room
Jeff Ditty
Children (K-5th)
Church Basement
Jill Snyder
Jr. High Boys (6th-8th)
Indiana Miller
Jr. High Girls (6th-8th)
Megan Evans
Sr. High (9th-12th)
Pastor Danny Evans
Weekly Small Groups
**Please Check with Small Group Leader for Start Date**
2nd & 4th Mondays 7:00pm
Small Fellowship Hall
Leader: Dave Witmer
Gospel of John
Wednesdays 6:30pm
Large Fellowship Hall & Facebook Livestream
Leader: Pastor Allan Briggs
Men’s & Women’s Small Group – Topic TBD
Wednesdays 6:30pm
939 Meadow Lane, Millersburg
Leader: Pastor Christian House & Alexandra House
Financial Peace
Wednesdays 6:30pm
Small Fellowship Hall
Leader: DJ & Alicen Hoy
Sermon Discussion
Wednesday (2nd of the month) 6:30pm
339 Miller Rd
Leader: Jeff Ditty
Sermon Discussion
Friday (2x a month) 6:00pm
1030 March Ln, Millersburg
Leader: Jeff Ditty
1, 2, 3 John
2nd & 4th Sundays 6:00pm
Small Fellowship Hall
Leader: Randy Coe
College Group
Ages 18-22
Tuesdays 6:30pm (Starting Nov. 7th)
Leader: Kyle & Liz Groff
Family Group
Select Fridays Monthly 6:30pm
Large Fellowship Hall
Leader: Brian & Jill Snyder
Topic: Family Fellowship
Moms Groups (childcare provided)
Tuesdays 9:00 am (1st & 3rd)
Small Fellowship Hall
Leader: Christine Charles
Topic: Parenting
Fridays 6:00 p.m. (2nd monthly)
240 Diamond Avenue, Elizabethville
Leader: Liz Groff & Katie Snody
Topic: Mama Bear 3.0
Women’s Groups
I Kings
Mondays 9:00am
1286 Route 209, Millersburg
Leader: Jean Lubold
Gospel of Luke
Tuesdays 9:00am
556 Riverview Drive, Millersburg
Leader: Tammy Briggs
Tuesdays 7:00pm (2nd & 4th)
784 State Street, Millersburg
Leader: Rae Elise Williard
Men’s Groups
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday 8:00am (Date TBD)
Large Fellowship Hall
Leader: Pastor Allan Briggs
Saturdays 7:00am (2nd & 4th)
Small Fellowship Hall
Leader: Scott Smith
1 Timothy
Thursdays 6:30am
Small Fellowship Hall
Leader: Pastor Allan Briggs
Fellowship Groups
Supper Club
Once a Month
Sign up to be grouped with three other couples for dinner & fellowship
Activity Groups
Widow’s Group
3rd Wednesday monthly
Leader: Jean Lubold
Call office for details
Sewing Group
3rd Thursday 9:00am
Small Fellowship Hall
Leader: Sue Meyers & Patti Keefer
Scrapbook & Share
3rd Thursday 6:30pm
Basement Sunday School Room
Leaders: Karen Weber
Ministry Groups
David’s Service Teams
Serve once a month
Leader: John Mallon
Call office to volunteer
Good Samaritan Ministry
Leader: Rae Elise Williard
Call office to volunteer
Leader: Laura Blank
Call office to volunteer
ROC Groups
Learn more about our sports leagues and youth activities at the ROC.
Or call the church office to sign up or for more details — 717-692-4831 or davids@davidscbc.org